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Cupid Parasite – Day One Edition (Switch)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Cupid Parasite – Day One Edition (Switch) zu vergrößern
  • From Boys to Men - Help the Parasite 5 find true love through "practice dates" to prepare them for their future partners. Maybe you'll find your true love along the way?
  • Are U That Somebody? - Find your ideal love type through the dating questionnaire! Each Parasite 5 member has a different love type, which means the partner you end up with will depend on the results of the questionnaire. Want to explore the different love types? New Game+ allows players to manually select your character route, and may even unlock more love connections...
  • First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage - The answers you choose during story choices can increase your Love Level with a character. If a character likes your answer, you'll experience a Love Surge. You can take the difficulty up a notch by turning off the Love Surge animations in the menu. A specific Love Level is needed to get a route's true ending!
  • Go With The Flow - A Flow Chart is available to keep track of story progression. Hop to and from already experienced scenes to revisit your story choices. Use the Flow Chart to re-do routes and/or relive any memorable scenes!

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.11.2022
Preis Deutschland: 51,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 64,00 sFr
Kategorie: Switch
Hits: 2290
Hersteller: © 2022 Idea Factory International

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