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Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (PS4)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (PS4) zu vergrößern Fairy Fencer F is reborn as Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force for the PlayStation4 system! Continue your adventure through three new story paths: The Goddess story, the Vile God story, and the Evil God story. Play as Fang and his gang as you face off against a new, evil organization, meet new fairies and fencers, and collect the furies scattered across the world. Each path leads to a different outcome, so choose wisely. Alongside new content, you can now have up to 6 characters on the battlefield at a time! That's double the fairies and the fencing! With so many characters, players will be allowed to balance gameplay with three new difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard.

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.07.2016
Preis Deutschland: 59,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 69,00 sFr
Kategorie: PS4
Hits: 2044
Hersteller: © 2016 Idea Factory International
Rezension zum Produkt: Rezension zu Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (PS4)

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